
A Letter to Santa Claus Like No Other

Une Lettre au Père Noël pas comme les autres

This year, I wanted to breathe new life into the traditional letter to Santa Claus. I created a template to download and print, with boxes that take you out of the toy box and invite children (and adults alike!) to dream differently.

Why a different letter to Santa?

The idea is to show that Christmas can also be about experiences and memories, not just material things. With this letter, you encourage kids (or you, let's be honest!) to dream differently, to think about what would really make them happy, beyond objects.

What you find on this letter

In addition to the usual boxes for gift ideas, I've added sections for:

  • My ultimate dream : the wish that is out of the ordinary, that makes your eyes shine just thinking about it!
  • An experience to live : dreaming of moments that we don't necessarily have the opportunity to experience every day
  • An activity to do : an outing, a workshop, a special moment.
  • A moment to share : an activity or a moment of complicity with someone special

  • A book to discover: opening the door to exciting worlds.

  • A simple little pleasure : those that make the days sweeter.

How does it work?

  1. Download by clicking on this link and print the letter
  2. Fill in each box with your child or your inner child – it’s really fun to ask yourself what would make the moment magical.
  3. Fold it, slip it into an envelope , and head to the North Pole!

Christmas is also moments and dreams

This letter to Santa Claus is here to help you give Christmas its dose of magic and dreams!
So, ready to create a letter that's a little different this year?

The letter to download